Laser Putt Golf Training Aid Review

Laser Putt Golf Training Aid Review

Price: $159.99 MSRP (Holiday Special Price as of 11/29/17 $109)

*Disclaimer was not paid for this review

The Laser Putt golf training aid is a really simple, helpful tool that allows you to visually see a green line while making your stroke in real time. Players will often use a chalk line or a string to achieve similar results to the Laser Putt. I also love using chalk lines, but lugging around chalk is messy and this is a lot easier to set up. It comes in a nice little suede handbag that is easy to throw in your golf bag.

Best time of day to use

That depends on where you live. We have a lot of sun here in Arizona, so time of day is key. The reason I say this is because if you use it on a sunny day, it is hard to see the green laser on a green putting surface. So early morning, an overcast day, or evening when the sun is setting is the ideal time to use it.

Or, you can get creative…  Brandt Snedeker practices with Laser Putt and has his caddy cast a shadow so he can see the line during the day! Genius. So don’t be afraid to grab a buddy and have him stand there to cast a shadow while you putt.


How to set up the Laser Putt golf training aid

It is very easy. I’ll also show you in the video below.

There is an attachment on the back that is held in by a screw. You put that part over the shaft of your putter and then tighten it down. Then, you want to make sure you have it lined up correctly. Click the button on the side and adjust the Laser Putt so that the line is directly over the center of your putter.  They include an Alignment & Calibration Guide that you set on the ground. Then, you set the putter behind the guide and make your putting stroke. More instructions here on their site.

Another nice feature is that after a few minutes the laser turns off automatically to conserve battery. Just click it  again to turn it back on.

What I like to use it for

Final Thoughts

There are a lot of training aids out there, and this one is a must-have in your arsenal. As an amateur or a professional golfer, it helps to stay creative when practicing especially on the putting green. No one likes spending hours on the putting green practicing, but aids like the Laser Putt helps. Most people who practice just bang balls and go home. Adding more time on the putting green will help you lower your scores.

Have you tried this training aid? Let us know what you thought in the comments below.